
Either a nurse or health assistant is on duty during regular school hours. All medications must be checked in at the nurse’s office. We ask that all parents complete an Emergency Card for each one of their children. These cards must be filled out completely on both sides.

Like you, we want to do what is best for your children. If we cannot reach you in an emergency, we will call paramedics who may decide an ambulance should be called. The cost of this service is the responsibility of the parents.

The school medication policies are:

  • Parents must deliver and pick up medication to and from school.
  • The school will give only medications that cannot be given at home. For instance, medication that is three times daily can be given by the parent before school, after school and before bedtime as directed by a physician.
  • A signed medical consent form is required. Medication will be given for one day only with verbal permission.
  • Medication must be in original prescription container. A separate school bottle can be obtained by the pharmacy when ordered by the physician.
  • Physician must sign a consent form for prescription medication.
  • If medical instructions change, a written doctor’s order must be sent to the school nurse unless medication is brought in a new prescription bottle from the pharmacy reflecting the changes.
  • Student may not carry an inhaler. These must be left with the nurse.
  • The nurse will dispense cough or allergy medications or pain medication for only one day when parents give verbal permission by phone.
  • The school reserves the right to refuse to give any medication.