Burke Basic School adopts this school wellness policy with the following commitments to nutrition, education and physical activity.

Food My Plate Portions


Nutritional Education:

  • Nutrition education is taught to all grade levels as part of the Physical Education Curriculum. Students receive the skills necessary to make nutritious choices.
  • Nutrition is promoted through breakfast/lunch menus and a poster in the cafeteria.
  1. Promote fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, low fat dairy products and healthy food preparation methods.
  2. Avoid low-nutrition foods and beverages such sodas, sports drinks, imitation fruit juices, chips, cookies and cakes.
  • Staff will be encouraged to model healthy eating and physical activity for students.
  • Participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). This program allows student to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at no charge.


Kids Playing Kickball



Physical Education and Physical Activity:

  • Students in grades K-6 received of Physical Education Instruction per week.
  • The Physical Education program provides adequate space and equipment and conforms to all applicable safety standards.
  • Students are given daily time for supervised physical activity.
  • Physical Education instructors receive professional development and training.
  • Students, parents and staff are able to participate on our 25 mile club. Participants will keep track of their daily exercise activity. Coach will announce winners on the school newsletter (paw print) quarterly. At the end of the school year participants will receive our famous “25 Mile Club” t-shirt.

student wellness


Activities to Promote Student Wellness:

  • The school will create a school health advisory council to develop, monitor, review and revise the Local Wellness Policy.
  • The cafeteria is clean, attractive, safe, spacious dining area with accessible drinking water and adequate room flow.
  • The school will encourage parents and students to attend our annual Skateland Party to promote physical activity and wellness.





Student Wellness Agreement:

  • Coach Gardner and I, Alicia Payan, Lunch Coordinator and Office Assistant at Burke Basic School will work hard to ensure that our policy is up to date and that the standards of the local wellness policy have been met.


Group of People Pic

Public Notification:

  • Burke Basic School will post the Local Wellness Policy on our public community board where information such as school lunch menus, events and particular activities are listed.
  • Burke Basic School will also solicit parent participation and insight on school wellness activities through our school website and weekly newsletter that is sent out to all parents of Burke Basic School.
  • Burke Basic School plans on measuring implementation by meeting on a yearly basis to discuss revision changes and implementations such as health and fitness awareness.


People in Meeting Pic

Wellness Committee Members:

Mike Gaddie                         Principal

Erika Bello                            Human Resource

Alicia Payan                         NSLP Program Director

Jazmin Rico                         Cafeteria Manager

Rachel Hollenbeck              Curriculum Director

Mary Johns                          School Nurse

Tom Gardner                        P.E. Coach

Elizabeth Contreras             Parent