Open House 2016-2017

We are so excited about the start of the school year! We invite you to meet your child’s teacher at our Open House on Saturday, August 6, 2016. If at all possible, please follow the schedule and come during your appropriate time. If you have multiple students attending Burke, please plan to attend during the time scheduled for your eldest child. Please bring your child(ren) with you to visit their teachers. Staff members will be present at Open House to help answer any questions you may have regarding busing, afternoon student pick-up, the lunch program, school nurse issues, etc. There will be a booth in the front office that will inform you of the changes and updates to our attendance policy, tardy policy, and new tardy time. We hope that you will be able to attend.

Open House Schedule (Schedule by last name):

Regular Orientation
Last Name Begins With:                                 Time:

A – B                                                  11:00 A.M.
C – E                                                  11:30 A.M.
F – G                                                  12:00 P.M.
H – L                                                  12:30 P.M.
M – N                                                   1:00 P.M.
O – R                                                   1:30 P.M.
S – T                                                    2:00 P.M.
U – Z                                                    2:30 P.M.

Orientation will end promptly at 3:00 P.M.


Estamos tan entusiasmados con el inicio del año escolar. Los invitamos a reunirse con el profesor de su hijo(a) en nuestro Open House el diá sábado, 6 de Agosto de 2016. Si es posible por favor use el siguiente horario. Si tienen varios alumnos que asisten a Burke, por favor, planee asistir durante el tiempo previsto para su hijo mayor. Se les sugiere que traigan a sus estudiantes para que visiten a sus profesores. La administración estará aquí para ayudarles con cualquier pregunta referente a transportación, recoger a estudiantes por la tarde, almuerzo, enfermera, etc. Habrá una mesa en referente a los nuevos cambios que habrá en la póliza de asistencia y retardos este próximo año escolar. Esperamos que usted pueda asistir.

Calendario de Open House:

Orientación regular (programada por apellido)
El apellido comienza con:                                 Tiempo:

A – B                                                         11:00 A.M.
C – E                                                         11:30 A.M.
F – G                                                         12:00 P.M.
H – L                                                         12:30 P.M.
M – N                                                          1:00 P.M.
O – R                                                          1:30 P.M.
S – T                                                           2:00 P.M.
U – Z                                                           2:30 P.M.

Orientación terminara puntualmente a las 3:00 P.M.