School Pictures – September 13, 2016

Tomorrow, September 13, 2016 will be school pictures for all Burke students.  Students must be in school uniform.  Picture packets were previously sent home with students.  Please make sure that the order forms are filled out and returned with students tomorrow. ...

No School – Labor Day, September 5, 2016

No School – Labor Day There will be no school this Monday, September 5, 2016,  for all Burke students. We hope that all students enjoy their long weekend! No Escuela – Dia del Trabajo No habrá escuela este lunes, 5 de septiembre 2016, para todos estudiantes de Burke....

School Wellness Policy

SCHOOL WELLNESS POLICY Burke Basic School adopts this school wellness policy with the following commitments to nutrition, education and physical activity.   Nutritional Education: Nutrition education is taught to all grade levels as part of the Physical Education...