Qtr 1 Report cards will go home Friday. We had to make a few final edits on our new report card format. Please forgive the lateness.

Honor Roll Notice: New policy beginning 2nd Quarter Discipline & Math Facts Beginning next quarter, if your student receives a failing grade on their math facts, they will NOT be eligible for Honor Roll. Administration is really pushing for every student to master...

Reminder: Tomorrow (Wed. Sept. 28th) is Picture Day. All students must be in uniform. If you are ordering pictures, return forms tomorrow.

Have a great Labor Day weekend. 6th Graders: Remember to turn in your Cyberbullying permission slips by Wednesday, Sept. 7th.

Reminder: The first day of school is this Wednesday, Aug. 10th. School starts 8:00 M-F. We can’t wait to get this year off to a great start.